Building Faith at Home

Building Faith at Home

Building Faith at Home

Most nights when my family sits around the table eating tea, we talk about our days.

Most nights when my family sits around the table eating tea, we talk about our days.

My 14-year-old son Micah generally shares about what sport he played during lunchtime, and groans with despair if he’s had a double lesson of maths (‘it was the worst day EVER Dad!!’). My 12 year old daughter Immy might talk about her winning streak playing Uno with friends at lunchtime, and how she didn’t like the lunch her Mum made for her. Given a choice, she would eat Sushi 3 meals a day.

Eating tea together each night is an important part of our family rhythm. No TV playing in the background, no rushing to get to the next thing, no technology at the table. It’s just the 4 of us: talking and listening to each other.

Its been a conscious decision for a long time now, mindful of the importance of making time to talk and just be together, and of our responsibility as parents to be the chief ‘disciplers’ of our kids. That just means that we try and model how to be a follower of Jesus, with all the ups and downs that are a part of that journey. We try and show them how to talk with God, how to be honest with Him, how to think through what we believe and why, and how to try and trust God in all situations.

It can be tough. The questions that Micah asks sometimes leaves me stumbling for an answer, and I’ll often say something like ‘that’s a great question….im not sure I have an easy answer mate.’ So we’ll keep talking through it, and in the process I trust that he realizes that following Jesus isn’t about having all the answers, rather its about knowing what questions to ask, and where to go with them. Sometimes there are no adequate answers, and the best we can do is to live with the tension of not having a clear, easy answer.

As a family we’re always on the lookout for simple resources that can help us make the most of those mealtimes.

I thought I’d share one such resource with you.

It’s called ChatMatters. It’s a placemat that you can download for free, and its built around 10 important questions that are designed to help families engage in life forming conversations. There are two versions available – for families and adults – and they’re available in multiple languages as well.

This resource has been developed by Here2Stay, a collaborative initiative by the Bible Society, Compassion, Focus on the Family Australia, Scripture Union and Willow Creek Australia. Download your copy today from here2stay.organd while you’re there, discover other helpful strategies and resources for your family. You can also follow the conversation on Facebook.

If you use ChatMatters, I’d love to hear how you go with it. Send me an email and let me know.

Adrian Blenkinsop

Next Gen Leadership Coach

About the Author

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